Fishery logistics center on Truong Sa - A cornerstone for fishermen venturing offshore
To support Vietnam’s fishermen, many fisheries logistics centers have been established on islands such as Truong Sa Lon (Big Spratly) and Da Tay (West Reef), providing free fresh water, and supplying provisions, food, and fuel, etc., at prices equivalent to those on the mainland, while also providing rescue assistance to those in need and ensuring the safety of their vessels.
The anchorage area on Truong Sa Lon (Big Spratly) Island provides a safe haven for vessels, with a logistics center offering free fresh water and supplying provisions, food and fuel, ensuring that fishermen can confidently venture out to sea.__Photo: VNA
The fishery logistics center on Truong Sa Lon Island provides free fresh water for fishing vessels.__Photo: VNA
Military high-speed rescue boats stand ready to rescue fishermen in distress in the waters around Truong Sa Lon Island.__Photo: VNA
The warehouse at the West Reef fishery logistics center houses a variety of food, provisions, and water, ready to supply fishermen venturing out to sea.__Photo: VNA
Truong Sa Lon Island features three newly-constructed buildings serving as shelters for hundreds of fishermen, providing them with refuge during storms and enabling them to fish with peace of mind in the waters of Truong Sa.__Photo: VNA
In the first quarter of 2023, the West Reef fishery logistics center provided 2,437 cubic meters of free fresh water, and supplied nearly 283,000 liters of diesel, and 29 tons of food to fishermen.__Photo: VNA
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