Largest wooden pagoda in Nghe An province
Located in Quynh Yen commune, Quynh Luu district, Lam Son Pagoda is the largest all-wooden pagoda in the central province of Nghe An.
Lam Son Pagoda is located in Quynh Yen commune, Quynh Luu district, Nghe An province.__Photo: Vietnam+
The roof of Lam Son Pagoda’s gate.__Photo: Vietnam+
In the middle of the pagoda courtyard stands a colossal stone statue of Maitreya Buddha, crafted from a single black of Corundum sapphire.__Photo: Vietnam+
The pagoda is primarily constructed from ironwood and rosewood. The ancestral hall area, in particular, is entirely made of merawan wood.__Photo: Vietnam+
The pagoda has long been a spiritual and religious symbol for local residents and visitors alike.__Photo: Vietnam+
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