National Assembly fast-tracks three major laws on real estate
National Assembly (NA) deputies have pressed to button to vote for the enactment of three major laws, namely Law on Land, Law on Housing and Law on Real Estate Business, from August 1, five months earlier than planned.
NA deputies vote on the Government's proposal to bring forward the effective date of three major laws__Photo: VNA

National Assembly (NA) deputies have pressed to button to vote for the enactment of three major laws, namely Law on Land, Law on Housing and Law on Real Estate Business, from August 1, 2024, five months earlier than planned.

Accordingly, 404 out of 469 (83.3 percent) deputies favored bringing forward the effective date of the three laws.

Vu Hong Thanh, Chairman of the NA's Economic Committee, said the early implementation will address the ongoing challenges in land management, particularly issues related to valuation, acquisition and resettlement compensation.

Regarding the concerns that the change of date could put provinces and cities in a tight spot as they have to hastily issue sub-law documents to keep pace with the change, he said there is still sufficient time for them to finalize sub-law documents to meet the deadline.

The NA's Standing Committee has urged the Government to closely oversee the issuance of the sub-law documents to prevent delays or gaps in enforcement.

On the same day, certain clauses of Articles 200 and 210 of the Law on Credit Institutions were also enacted earlier to ensure seamless operations of the institutions.- (VLLF)

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