National Assembly passes 18 laws during month-long session
The XIIIth National Assembly (NA) on November 28 wrapped up its 8th session after month plus-long sitting.

The XIIIth National Assembly (NA) on November 28 wrapped up its 8th session after month plus-long sitting.

During this session, the NA passed 18 laws, adopted 11 resolutions and debated 12 draft laws and important socio-economic issues.

NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung at the closing session__Photo: Nguyen Dan/VNA

Most of the passed laws aim to improve economic institutions, state organization, human rights, citizens’ responsibilities and administrative and judicial reform, said NA Office Director Nguyen Hanh Phuc at a press conference after the session. They also aim at the renewal of education, science and technology, the environment and consolidation of national defense and social security.

Many laws are expected to make positive changes in society and the economy, such as the laws on housing, real estate business, investment, taxes, and management and use of state capital invested in production and business, he said.

The revised housing law states that overseas Vietnamese may own houses in Vietnam without any restrictions on the number and type of houses. At the same time, foreigners permitted to enter Vietnam, foreign-invested businesses, branches and representative offices of foreign businesses, foreign investment funds not functioning to conduct real estate business, and foreign bank branches currently operating in Vietnam may own homes in the country.

Other passed laws are related to organization of the NA, People’s Courts and People’s Procuracies; social insurance; enterprises; vocational training; civil aviation; enforcement of civil judgments; citizen identification; officers of the People’s Army of Vietnam; people’s public security; and citizenship.

The resolutions adopted during this session include a revised resolution on votes of confidence for holders of positions elected or approved by the NA or People’s Councils; a resolution on improving the effects of economic restructuring in the fields of public investment, state enterprises and banks; and two resolutions ratifying the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

NA deputies discussed the draft laws concerning state budget; promulgation of legal documents; labor safety and hygiene; and state audit, to name a few.

The NA spent nearly three days questioning the Prime Minister and four ministers of industry and trade, home affairs, transport, and labor, war invalids and social affairs.

The NA decided not to approve the project to build Long Thanh international airport at this session as it needed further study.-

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