English translations of Legal documents published
Official Gazette issues Nos 121-126/2020, available on February 18, 2021
Official Gazette issues Nos 121-126/2020, available on February 18, 2021

Available on February 18, 2021, Official Gazette issues Nos. 121-126/2020, introduce seven legal documents translated into English. These are:

- Decision No. 1957/QD-TTg of November 30, 2020, approving the Plan on organization of the implementation of the ASEAN Convention Against Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children;

- Resolution No. 130/2020/QH14 of November 13, 2020, on the participation in the United Nations peacekeeping forces;

- Resolution No. 131/2020/QH14 of November 16, 2020, on organization of urban administration in Ho Chi Minh City;

- Circular No. 44/2020/TT-BCT of December 7, 2020, on the suspension of temporary import for re-export of medical masks, medical gloves and anti-epidemic isolation suits;

- Law No. 66/2020/QH14 of November 11, 2020, on Vietnam Border Defense;

- Law No. 68/2020/QH14 of November 13, 2020, on Residence; and,

- Law No. 70/2020/QH14 of November 13, 2020, on International Agreements.- (VLLF)

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