Official Gazette issues Nos 16-19/2018, released on May 16, 2018

Official Gazette issues Nos 16-19/2018, released on May 16, 2018

Available on May 16, 2018, Official Gazette issues Nos. 16-19/2018 introduce ten legal documents translated into English. They are:

- Decree No. 16/2018/ND-CP of February 2, 2018, on the announcement of sea lanes and traffic separation in the territorial sea of Vietnam;

- Decree No. 19/2018/ND-CP of February 2, 2018, prescribing the calculation of the aggregate weight or volume of narcotics referred to in a number of articles of the 2015 Penal Code;

- Circular No. 21/2017/TT-NHNN of December 29, 2017, prescribing methods of disbursement of loans by credit institutions and foreign bank branches to their clients;

- Decree No. 17/2018/ND-CP of February 2, 2018, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 67/2014/ ND-CP of July 7, 2014, on a number of fisheries development policies;

- Circular No. 03/2018/TT-BGTVT of January 10, 2018, prescribing the technical safety quality and environmental protection inspection for imported automobiles regulated by Decree No. 116/2017/ND-CP;

- Circular No. 02/2018/TT-BXD of February 6, 2018, on environmental protection in construction activities and reporting on environmental protection work in the construction sector;

- Circular No. 05/2018/TT-BTC of January 22, 2018, guiding the pilot e-declaration and payment of automobile and motorcycle registration fees and exchange of e-data on collection and payment of automobile and motorcycle registration fees;

- Circular No. 07/2018/TT-BGTVT of February 7, 2018, prescribing the inspection of seagoing ships;

- Decree No. 22/2018/ND-CP of February 23, 2018, detailing a number of articles of and prescribing measures to implement the 2005 Law on Intellectual Property and the 2009 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Intellectual Property regarding copyright and related rights; and,

- Decree No. 23/2018/ND-CP of February 23, 2018, prescribing compulsory fire and explosion insurance. (VLLF)

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