Official Gazette issues Nos 28-30/2018, released on June 13, 2018
Official Gazette issues Nos 28-30/2018, released on June 13, 2018

Available on June 13, 2018, Official Gazette issues Nos. 28-30/2018 introduce four legal documents translated into English. They are:

- Decision No. 14/2018/QD-TTg of March 12, 2018, promulgating the Regulation on coordination in licensing foreign organizations and individuals to conduct scientific research in the maritime zones of Vietnam and in inspecting, controlling and handling their violations;

- Decision No. 286/QD-TTg of March 9, 2018, approving the adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Dak Lak province through 2020, with a vision toward 2030;

- Directive No. 08//CT-TTg of March 13, 2018, on furtherance of measures to shorten the construction-licensing time and relevant procedures; and,

- Decree No. 40/2018/ND-CP of March 12, 2018, on the management of multi-level marketing activities.- (VLLF)

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