Available on October 19, 2020, Official Gazette issues Nos. 73-75/2020, introduce seven legal documents translated into English. These are:
- Resolution No. 116/2020/QH14 of June 19, 2020, on reduction of enterprise income tax amounts payable in 2020 for enterprises, cooperatives, non-business units and other organizations;
- Decree No. 80/2020/ND-CP of July 8, 2020, on management and use of non-refundable aid not belonging to official development assistance provided by foreign agencies, organizations and individuals for Vietnam;
- Decree No. 81/2020/ND-CP of July 9, 2020, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 163/2018/ND-CP of December 4, 2018, on the issuance of corporate bonds;
- Circular No. 57/2020/TT-BCA of June 10, 2020, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Ministry of Public Security’s Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BCA of January 5, 2015, providing document forms for entry, exit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam;
- Law No. 56/2020/QH14 of June 10, 2020, Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Judicial Assessment;
- Law No. 58/2020/QH14 of June 16, 2020, on Mediation and Dialogue at Court; and,
- Youth Law No. 57/2020/QH14 of June 16, 2020.- (VLLF)