Official Gazette issues Nos 97-100/2018, coming out on November 16, 2018
Official Gazette issues Nos 97-100/2018, coming out on November 16, 2018

Coming out on November 16, 2018, Official Gazette issues Nos. 97-100/2018, introduce eight legal documents translated into English. They are:

- Decree No. 126/2018/ND-CP of September 20, 2018, prescribing the establishment and operation of foreign cultural institutions in Vietnam;

- Decree No. 127/2018/ND-CP of September 21, 2018, prescribing state management responsibilities for education;

- Circular No. 22/2018/TT-BYT of September 12, 2018, prescribing the list of functional foods for under-6 children which are subject to price declaration;

- Circular No. 23/2018/TT-BYT of September 14, 2018, prescribing the recall and disposal of unsafe foods under the management of the Ministry of Health;

- Decision No. 41/2018/QD-TTg of September 25, 2018, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the General Department of Taxation under the Ministry of Finance;

- Circular No. 27/2018/TT-BCT of September 19, 2018, annulling the provisions on granting automatic import licenses for motorcycles of a cylinder capacity of 175 cm3 or higher;

- Decision No. 1254/QD-TTg of September 26, 2018, approving the action plan to promote the National Singe-Window mechanism and the ASEAN Single-Window mechanism, reform of specialized inspection of exports and imports and trade facilitation during 2018-2020; and,

- Decree No. 130/2018/ND-CP of September 27, 2018, detailing the Law on E-Transactions regarding digital signatures and digital signature certification services.- (VLLF)

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