Party leader’s book on military policy holds decisive importance to national peace, development
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s book on the military policy and defense strategy of Vietnam in the new period holds national significance and decisive importance to national peace, stability, and development, said a military officer.
The book comprises 39 articles, speeches, and interviews of General Secretary Trong, who is also Secretary of the Central Military Commission__Photo: VNA/VLLF

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s book on the military policy and defense strategy of Vietnam in the new period holds national significance and decisive importance to national peace, stability, and development, said a military officer.

The recently released book, with title “Some issues about the military policy, defense strategy during the cause of building and defending the socialist Vietnam Fatherland in the new period”, comprises 39 articles, speeches, and interviews of General Secretary Trong, who is also Secretary of the Central Military Commission.

With three sections, the over-400-page book systematizes the Party leader’s directions over the military policy and Fatherland safeguarding strategy in the current period.

Col. Le Quang Lang, head of the resistance war history division of the Military History Institute under the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, underlined the national significance and decisive importance of the book, which demonstrates the Party leader’s wisdom, keen mindset, and creativity.

The issues mentioned in this book comprehensively and profoundly reflect the national defense requirements in the new context, he noted.

Based on the Party’s leadership experience in military and defense affairs during the fights for national liberation and safeguarding, General Secretary Trong highlighted the new mindset on military and defence strategy, along with the orientations for safeguarding the Fatherland.

In particular, the book points out the ultimate goal of the military and defense strategy, which is to firmly protect the Fatherland “early and from afar”, prevent wars, maintain a peaceful and stable environment for national development, and avoid falling into a passive position in any circumstances, Lang went on.

He said the book also shows the Party leader’s strong direction over major issues, including the principle that the Party exercises absolute and direct leadership over all aspects of the army; the building of a comprehensively strong army, firstly in terms of politics and thought; and the orientation for building a “truly elite, lean, and strong” army and, by 2030, completing the development of a “revolutionary, regular, elite, and modern” army.

Given this, the book will definitely be one of the important “handbooks” for cadres and Party members at all levels, especially those at the strategic level in the army, the officer added.- (VNA/VLLF)

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