Steering committee for review of 40-year renewal convenes meeting
Party General Secretary and President To Lam chaired the fourth meeting of the steering committee tasked with reviewing theoretical and practical issues related to Vietnam's four-decade socialist-oriented Doi Moi (renewal) process in Hanoi on August 22.
Party General Secretary and President To Lam speaks at the meeting__Photo: VNA

Party General Secretary and President To Lam chaired the fourth meeting of the steering committee tasked with reviewing theoretical and practical issues related to Vietnam's four-decade socialist-oriented Doi Moi (renewal) process in Hanoi on August 22.

The draft report covered the global, regional and domestic contexts that have shaped Vietnam's renewal process over the past 40 years. It explored the evolution of the Party's theoretical understanding, the milestones and challenges in the practical construction of socialism, and emerging issues and lessons learned. Additionally, it presented forecasts, proposals, viewpoints, and orientations for continuing comprehensive and concerted renewal in national construction and defense in the new era.

Speaking at the event, Lam called the draft report a critical input to draft documents for the upcoming 14th National Party Congress, including the pivotal Political Report.

The review of theoretical and practical aspects of the process is a critical task for national construction and development, which will directly influence the Political Report, setting the stage for future policy directions, he said.

He also highlighted the need for continuous refining of the draft report before its submission to the Politburo for feedback and subsequently to the 10th plenum of the Party Central Committee.- (VNA/VLLF)

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