Top legislator hails trade union’s role in national revolution’s victory
Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Thanh Man commended the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL) for its significant contributions to the nation’s great revolutionary victory during its 95-year history at a ceremony held in Hanoi on July 28 to honor outstanding trade union leaders at the grassroots level.
NA Chairman Tran Thanh Man presents the first-class Labor Order to the VGCL__Photo: VNA

Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Thanh Man commended the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL) for its significant contributions to the nation’s great revolutionary victory during its 95-year history at a ceremony held in Hanoi on July 28 to honor outstanding trade union leaders at the grassroots level.

At the event, he highlighted the VGCL’s strong development with breakthroughs in both organization and operation, along with the expansion of the working class in the nation and improvement in quality over years.

The NA leader emphasized that the acceleration of industrialization and modernization as well as deep international integration presents the trade union with both opportunities and challenges, so enterprises and workers should make continuous efforts to enhance their labor productivity, management capacity, and competitiveness.

He added that the VGCL must also come up for strong and comprehensive reform to comply to commitments in labor in new-generation free trade agreements, and at the same time affirming its key role in building a modern and strong working class.

He went on to ask trade unions at all levels to continue effectively implementing the resolution adopted at the 13th Party Congress and one of the Politburo on renewing the organization and operation of the VGCL in the new situation as well as relevant policies and guidelines of the Party and State.

The VGCL, he said, must carry out social supervision and criticism, contribute opinions to building the Party and administration at all levels, asking the trade union to keep close tabs on workers’ jobs, incomes, and aspiration in order to build suitable programs and working plans, and make recommendations to the Party and State regarding issues related to workers and trade unions' matters.

Furthermore, it is a must to improve the political mettle and professionalism of the VGCL’s members and workers, he stressed.

NA Chairman Man requested trade unions at all levels to contribute to the preparation work of the 14th National Party Congress, effectively popularize the NA’s laws and resolutions, including those related to workers, and implement regulations on wage reform in a timely manner, among others.

On behalf of the Party and State, the NA leader presented the first-class Labor Order to the VGCL, recognizing its excellent achievements over the past five years.

At the ceremony, 10 outstanding trade unionists were presented with the Nguyen Van Linh Awards, and 95 leaders of grassroots trade unions received commendations.- (VNA/VLLF)

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