Top legislator lauds contributions by press agencies to NA’s achievements
National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue asked press agencies to continue promoting their role as a bridge between the legislature and people and voters nationwide while chairing a meeting in Hanoi on December 27.
NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at the meeting__Photo: VNA

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue asked press agencies to continue promoting their role as a bridge between the legislature and people and voters nationwide while chairing a meeting in Hanoi on December 27.

Briefing participants on the NA’s remarkable achievements in 2023, the top legislator attributed them to the significant contributions of press agencies, saying they have played a role in raising public support for the legislature’s decisions and policies, and implementing laws, decrees and resolutions adopted by the NA and its Standing Committee.

At the same time, press agencies have reflected the aspirations of sectors, people and voters and served as a reliable channel for the people to supervise the NA and its deputies, he continued.

On this occasion, the participating press agencies gave proposals on 10 outstanding events of the NA in 2023.

Hue also informed the participants about the second Dien Hong Awards - the national press awards on the NA and People’s Councils, with an award ceremony slated for January 2024 on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the first general election.

He asked the Ministry of Information and Communications to soon propose adjustments to the Press Law to facilitate the operations of press agencies.

The Party delegation to the NA, the legislature itself and its Standing Committee and agencies always create optimal conditions for press agencies to operate, he affirmed.- (VNA/VLLF)

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