Vietnam prioritizes enhancing relations with Cambodia: President
Vietnam always wants to enhance ties with Cambodia, considering it a priority in its foreign policy, President Vo Van Thuong said when receiving Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Gen. Tea Seiha in Hanoi on November 13.
President Vo Van Thuong (R) and Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Gen. Tea Seiha.__Photo: VNA

Vietnam always wants to enhance ties with Cambodia, considering it a priority in its foreign policy, President Vo Van Thuong said when receiving Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Gen. Tea Seiha in Hanoi on November 13.

Speaking highly of the results of the earlier talks between the two defense ministers, President Thuong affirmed that the Vietnamese Party and State always encourage, support and create favorable conditions for cooperation between the two armies and defense ministries to make it more practical and effective.

He hoped that the two defense ministries would enhance information sharing and exchange views on global and regional issues, continue jointly realizing existing agreements and pay attention to training officers, especially young ones. The two sides should effectively manage the shared border to build a borderline of peace, friendship, cooperation and development as well as step up negotiations on demarcation and planting of border markers on the remaining border section.

The President encouraged the two defense ministries to increase military exchanges at the local, regional, and division levels, thus facilitating the sharing of experience in training and building the armed forces of each country.

He also expressed his wish that that the two sides would continue maintaining all-level exchanges, considering it an important foundation to beef up cooperation between the two countries.

Gen. Tea Seiha, for his part, informed the host about the outcomes of his talks with Vietnamese Minister of National Defense General Phan Van Giang, saying that the two sides had looked into ways to boost bilateral defense ties.

Hailing the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense as an important partner of the Cambodian Ministry of National Defense, he took this occasion to thank the Vietnamese Party, State, army and people for their support and assistance to their Cambodian counterparts.

He said in the current new term of the Cambodian Government, there are many new members who are all striving to inherit and uphold the achievements made by previous generations to continue nurture the traditional friendship, comradeship and fraternity between Vietnam and Cambodia.-(VNA/VLLF)

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