VN Bar urged to push judicial reform
President Tran Dai Quang asked the VietnamBar Federation (VBF) to forge ahead with judicial reforms and international integration while working with professional organizations of lawyers in Hanoi on July 10.

President Tran Dai Quang asked the VietnamBar Federation (VBF) to forge ahead with judicial reforms and international integration while working with professional organizations of lawyers in Hanoi on July 10.

President Tran Dai Quang asked the VBF to forge ahead with judicial reforms and international integration while working with professional organisations of lawyers__Photo: Nhan Sang/VNA

The President, who is also head of the Central Steering Committee on Judicial Reform, told the federation to contribute to protecting the socialist legal system and the legitimate rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals.

He said bar associations nationwide will hold congresses in 2018 in preparation for the third National Lawyers’ Congress for the 2020-25 tenure.

The VBF should improve the institutional system, ensuring lawyers properly perform their rights, obligations and responsibilities according to legal provisions, Quang said.

At the same time, it is important to increase the quality of proceedings at trial, build policies to promote legal consultancy activities and encourage lawyers to participate in legal aid activities for policy beneficiaries, revolutionary contributors, people in need and ethnic minority groups, he added.

He ordered the VBF to effectively implement a strategy to develop the legal profession in terms of capability and operational efficiency through 2020, and a scheme to develop lawyers to better serve international economic integration in 2010-20.

The President hoped the VBF will promote its role in external relations and international cooperation in accordance with the Party’s and State’s policies and guidelines.

He requested that centrally run judicial agencies soon provide guidance on the implementation of the Code of Criminal Procedure 2015 to ensure the legal practice of lawyers.

Currently, the country has over 12,500 lawyers.- (VNS/VLLF)

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