Bringing cash to Vietnam
How much cash can I bring to Vietnam and do I need to fulfill any procedures if I carry cash upon entry into the country?

How much cash can I bring to Vietnam and do I need to fulfill any procedures if I carry cash upon entry into the country?

Under current regulations (Circular 15/2011/TT-NHNN of the State Bank of Vietnam providing the carrying of foreign-currency and Vietnam-dong cash by persons on entry or exit), you can carry along cash in Vietnam dong, US dollar or other foreign currencies when entering Vietnam via international border gates without any limitations.

However, if the cash amount you carry exceeds VND 15 million or USD 5,000 or its equivalent, you must fill in and submit a declaration form to the border-gate customs office.

In case you bring into Vietnam a foreign-currency cash valued at less than USD 5,000, you will still have to file a declaration form to the border-gate customs office if you intend to deposit such amount in the foreign-currency payment account you opens at a credit institution or foreign bank branch licensed to conduct foreign exchange operations in Vietnam. In this case, the entry/exit declaration form bearing the border-gate customs office’s certification of the foreign-currency cash amount carried upon entry into Vietnam will serve as a basis for the bank to permit the deposit of the foreign-currency cash amount in your payment account.

Please note that the above-mentioned threshold of USD 5,000 or VND 15 million does not apply to persons who carry foreign-currency or Vietnam-dong payment instruments or valuable papers such as traveler’s checks, bank cards, savings books, securities and other valuable papers. Apart from making declaration with the border-gate customs offices, those who carry along a cash amount exceeding the above threshold when entering Vietnam will be neither required to fulfill any other procedures nor subject to charges or taxes.-(VLLF)


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