Decree No. 60/2010ND-CP: Smokers, bomb jokes on airlines face stiff fines

Passengers on board a plane who use cell phones during the flight, especially during takeoff and landing, may be fined up to VND 1 million as their act may cause aviation insecurity.

Also prescribed in Government Decree No. 60/2010ND-CP of June 3, on sanctioning of administrative violations in the field of civil aviation, from July 20, 2010, a passenger may face a fine of VND 0.5-1 million for his/her smoking in the plane restroom or non-smoking areas, use of disallowed electrical devices or transmitters during take-off or landing, failure to follow crewmembers’ instructions for aviation security and safety assurance and epidemic prevention or theft of personal belongings of other passengers.

Those who spread or supply, intentionally or unintentionally, untruthful information on the existence of bombs, explosives, bio-chemical weapons or other information which may cause a panic before or during a flight and otherwise pose a security threat to the plane or flight control personnel on the ground will face a fine of VND 10-20 million.

A fine of VND 20-30 million will be levied for acts of threatening cabin crew members or posing threats to the security of an ongoing flight.

Aircraft operators that conduct a flight without a flight permit or conduct a maneuver or training flight over a populated area without a permit will face a maximum fine of VND 100 million. This fine level will also be imposed on airlines transporting dangerous cargoes without obtaining an eligibility certificate for that operation.-

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