Land inventory to be conducted nationwide

The Prime Minister recently required the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to coordinate with related authorities in organizing the 2014 land inventory and drawing land use maps nationwide.

Under Directive No. 21/CT-TTg, the land inventory and drawing of land use maps nationwide must clearly and accurately indicate the actual land use in communes, districts, provinces, cities, and socio-economic zones across the country.

Subject to land inventory are organizations, households, individuals, communities, religious establishments, foreign diplomatic organizations, foreign-invested enterprises and overseas Vietnamese that are using land under Article 5 of the 2013 Land Law.

Land inventory reports must provide full and accurate data on natural land areas at all administrative levels, land areas of all types currently in use, land management units and land users by the end of December 31, 2014, focusing on the use of paddy fields and land for construction of industrial and hi-tech parks and economic zones.

The deadline for reporting results of the land inventory and land use mapping to the Prime Minister is June 1, 2015, for communes, July 15, 2015, for districts, September 1, 2015, for provinces and cities, and November 1, 2015, for socio-economic regions.-

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