Legal database on military, national defense makes debut
The Ministry of National Defense launched a database of legal documents on military and national defense at a ceremony in Hanoi on November 6.
At the launching ceremony of the database of legal documents on military and national defense__Photo: VNA

The Ministry of National Defense launched a database of legal documents on military and national defense at a ceremony in Hanoi on November 6.

The event marked the efforts of the ministry in the application of information technology and digital transformation, legal document management, and State management in defense and military affairs.

It offers an opportunity to review endeavors of the Vietnam People's Army in over 10 years of bringing the Law on law popularization and education into daily life; share valuable experience and effective practices; and honor outstanding organizations and individuals that contributed to the legal popularization and education work and encouraging the public to comply with the law.

The database is expected to importantly contribute to realizing the digital transformation goal within the ministry.

Deputy Minister of Defense Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong speaks at the event__Photo: VNA

According to Deputy Minister of Defense Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong, in recent years, the ministry has paid special attention to perfecting military and defense institutions, and the systematization of legal documents and law popularization and education in the army has been deployed at all levels and sectors and among mass organizations.

The legal popularization and education work for officers and people in general, and that in border and island areas in particular has been implemented actively and extensively, yielding significant results, he said.

Additionally, the activities related to law enforcement, inspection, auditing, investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments; as well as judicial and administrative procedure reform, and document revision have been carried out by various agencies and units in the army, contributing to raising awareness of law observance; strictly maintaining state law, and army discipline, Luong went on.-(VNA/VLLF)

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