Legislature scrutinizes two draft revised laws for submission: top legislator
National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue asked lawmakers to thoroughly look into the draft revised land law so as to ensure its highest quality, at the on-going fifth extraordinary meeting of the 15th NA on January 15.
NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at the 15th NA’s fifth extraordinary meeting.__Photo: VNA

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue asked lawmakers to thoroughly look into the draft revised land law so as to ensure its highest quality, at the on-going fifth extraordinary meeting of the 15th NA on January 15.

The bill and the draft revised law on credit institutions are expected to be approved at the session, which will wrap up on January 18.

The NA leader emphasized the importance of the draft revised Land Law to politics, socio-economic development, national defense and security, and environmental protection.  It had been discussed at several meetings and received feedback from experts, scientists, and citizens, Hue added.

After adjustments, the bill, which is composed of 16 chapters arranged in 260 articles, is eligible to be submitted to the NA for consideration and approval.

Hue also urged the lawmakers to give comprehensive opinions on the draft revised law on credit institutions which consists of 15 chapters and 210 articles.

With regard to the draft resolution involving special mechanisms and policies to accelerate the implementation of national target programs, to be adopted on this occasion, the leader said the feasibility of each specific regulations should be considered at the meeting.

The legislature are also scheduled to look into some urgent finance and budget matters, including the capital supplement of the mid-term public investment plan with central budget capital for 2021-2025 from the general reserve source. They will also review the capital supplement of the mid-term public investment plan for the Vietnam Electricity from the reserve source of the mid-term public investment plan.

The leader called on the legislators to uphold the spirit of democracy and the sense of responsibility to complete the session’s agenda with high consensus.-(VLLF)

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