Nation targets to welcome 35 million foreign tourists by 2030
By 2030, the hospitality sector is expected to become a spearhead economic sector with green growth while the country will become one of the world’s top destinations of tourism development potential.
A group of visitors take a cycle rickshaw tour around Hoi An ancient town, Quang Nam province__Photo: VNA

By 2030, the hospitality sector is expected to become a spearhead economic sector with green growth while the country will become one of the world’s top destinations of tourism development potential.

Such is part the Master Plan on development of the tourism system for the 2021-30 period, with a vision toward 2045, approved under Decision 509/QD-TTg dated June 13.

As for specific targets by 2025, the country will attract 130 million domestic holidaymakers with an annual growth rate of 8-9 percent, and welcome between 25 million and 28 million of foreign tourists.

By 2030, it is targeted to increase the number of domestic tourists to 160 million, up by 4-5 percent annually, and 35 million foreign tourists with an annual increase of 13-15 percent.

At the same time, the sector is expected to create 10.5 million jobs, including 3.5 million direct ones, and contribute 13-14 percent to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).

Besides, tourism development is expected to play an important role in preserving and promoting cultural values, creating livelihoods for locals, and improving their spiritual life.

The Master Plan also attaches importance to environmental protection, setting the target that all tourist areas, tourist accommodation establishments and coastal service providers no longer use disposable plastic products and non-biodegradable plastic bags.

By 2045, it is expected to attract 70 million international arrivals and increase the sector’s GDP share to 17-18 percent.

Another task set under the Master Plan is to sustain the growth of the domestic tourism market during the 2021-25 period, while attracting more tourists who spend more and stay longer, and provide new trip services for high-spending holidaymakers interested in sports and adventure during the 2026-30 period.- (VLLF)

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