English translations of Legal documents published
Official Gazette issues Nos 73-76/2021, available on October 11, 2021
Official Gazette issues Nos 73-76/2021, available on October 11, 2021

Available on October 11, 2021, Official Gazette issues Nos. 73-76/2021, introduce eight legal documents translated into English. They are:

- Circular No. 55/2021/TT-BCA of May 15, 2021, detailing a number of articles of, and providing measures to implement, the Law on Residence;

- Decree No. 61/2021/ND-CP of June 25, 2021, detailing a number of articles of the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 130/2020/QH14 on the participation in the United Nations peacekeeping forces;

- Circular No. 45/2021/TT-BTC of June 18, 2021, guiding the application of the Advance Pricing Agreement mechanism in tax administration for enterprises having related-party transactions;

- Decree No. 62/2021/ND-CP of June 29, 2021, detailing a number of articles of the Law on Residence;

- Circular No. 03/2021/TT-BNNPTNT of June 22, 2021, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s Circular No. 16/2013/TT-BNNPTNT of February 28, 2013, on the protection of rights to plant varieties;

- Circular No. 03/2021/TT-BCT of June 11, 2021, guiding the pilot auction of tariff quota for sugar import in 2021;

- Circular No. 04/2021/TT-BNNPTNT of June 28, 2021, guiding the approval and appraisal of dike-related activities; and,

- Circular No. 51/2021/TT-BTC of June 30, 2021, guiding the obligations of organizations and individuals in foreign investment activities on the Vietnamese securities market.- (VLLF)

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