The 11th plenum of the Party Central Committee openedon May 4 in Hanoiwith the main topic on the preparation of personnel for the Committee of the nexttenure.
During the four-day meeting, the Committee’s members will discuss amodel of local governments and the construction of Long Thanh internationalairport in Dong Nai province.
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The 11th plenum of the Party Central Committee opens on May 4 in Hanoi _ Photo: Thong Nhat/VNA |
The Committee is also expected to debate the reports on what hasbeen done by the Political Bureau since the 10th plenum in this January.
Speaking at the opening session, Party General Secretary NguyenPhu Trong reiterated the important tasks at every Party Congress, which includediscussing and deciding on the Party's political mission through the approvalof documents as well as work on personnel.
Trong said the plenum needed to propose, discuss and decide onpersonnel for the 12th NationalParty Congress as a basis for the preparations of the upcoming event's PartyCentral Committee, Political Bureau, Secretariat, Party leader and the PartyInspection Commission as well as holders of key leading positions in stateagencies in the 2016-21 term at subsequent plenums.
"This is an important task that relates closely to the fateof the Party, the nation and the country's development," the Party leadersaid.
The reform and completion of a model for local governments playedan important role in the country's renewal process, and helped enhance theeffectiveness of the socialist law-ruled state of Vietnam, Trong said.
He suggested the plenum focus on the selection of a localgovernment model that could be discussed further at the upcoming NationalAssembly’s meeting.
The general secretary also asked the Committee’s members todiscuss the necessity and feasibility of the Long Thanh international airport projectand reach a conclusion on the project for the National Assembly to consider andapprove investment policy in accordance with law.-