Politburo resolves on orientations and tasks for development of Hanoi Capital through 2030
The Party Central Committee’s Political Bureau in May 2022 issued Resolution 15-NQ/TW on orientations and tasks for development of Hanoi Capital up to 2030, with a vision toward 2045, clarifying objectives to be achieved through 2030 as well as putting forth major tasks and solutions for attainment of the set objectives. Vietnam Law and Legal Forum magazine introduces the major contents of the Resolution.
A corner of Hanoi city__Photo: VNA

The Party Central Committee’s Political Bureau in May 2022 issued Resolution 15-NQ/TW on orientations and tasks for development of Hanoi Capital up to 2030, with a vision toward 2045, clarifying objectives to be achieved through 2030 as well as putting forth major tasks and solutions for attainment of the set objectives. Vietnam Law and Legal Forum magazine introduces the major contents of the Resolution.



- To reach high consensus in the perception of the position and especially important role of Hanoi and the requirements and tasks of developing the Capital up to 2030, with a vision toward 2045; to create breakthrough improvements in mobilizing the concerted strength and efficiently tapping potential and advantages of the Capital, in combination with national resources and international resources, building and developing the Capital to truly deserve the national political-administrative center and the heart of the whole country; a major economic, cultural, education-training, science-technology and international integration center; to build Hanoi into a smart, modern, green, clean, beautiful and safe city on the basis of fast and sustainable development with spillover effects to push the co-development of the Red River delta, the key northern economic region and the whole country.

- To develop Hanoi Capital of “Culture-Civilization-Modernization” is a particularly important political task in the national construction and defense strategy under the spirit “the whole country for Hanoi, Hanoi for the whole country”; the responsibility and duty of the entire Party, entire People, entire Army and entire political system; and the primary task of Hanoi Capital’s Party Committee, administration and people.

- To prioritize the completion of institutions for comprehensive and synchronous development of the Capital, meeting fast and sustainable development and international integration requirements; to harmoniously combine economic, cultural, social and environmental development with the maintenance of national defense, security and diplomacy; to ensure harmony between preservation of cultural identity with economic development and between economic development and cultural development, in which culture and people are the goal and the foundation, resources and motivation for the Capital’s development.

- To step up the building of Hanoi Capital’s Party Committee and political system to be exemplary, united, clean, comprehensively strong and prominent; to build the contingent of Hanoi cadres with high professional qualifications, moral quality and creativity, who dare to think and dare to act up to task requirements, which is the decisive factor; to build the chivalrous, elegant, loyal and civilized Hanoians representing the culture, conscience and dignity of the Vietnamese.

Objectives and vision

Objectives by 2030

- Hanoi will be the City of “Culture-Civilization-Modernization”; the center and motive force to boost the development of the Red River delta, the key northern economic region and the whole country; and practice intensive and extensive international integration, with high competitiveness in the region and the world, striving for development on a par with capital cities of the developed countries in the region.

- The average GRDP growth rate in the 2021-25 period will be higher than the national average growth rate; GRDP in the 2026-30 period will grow by 8-8.5 percent per year; the average per-capita GRDP will reach USD 12,000-13,000.

Vision toward 2045

Hanoi Capital will be the city of global connectivity, with high living standards and quality, with per-capita GRDP surpassing USD 36,000; with comprehensive, distinctive and harmonious economic, cultural and social development; representing the whole country; with the development level being on a par with the capitals of the developed countries in the region and the world.


Further improving the awareness about the position, role and importance of the Capital; building Hanoi Capital of “Culture-Civilization-Modernization”

- To focus on thorough study, public communication, and unanimity in the perception of administrations at all levels and sectors, cadres, Party members and people of the Capital and the whole country about the position and especially important role of Hanoi, and the responsibility to develop Hanoi of thousand-year-old civilization and heroism into the national political-administrative center, and a major cultural, education-training, science-technology, economic and international integration center.

- To arouse and vigorously promote the revolutionary traditions of thousand-year-old civilization, heroism, peace, friendship, proactivity, creativity, self-reliance and resilience will and advance aspirations of the cadres, Party members and people of Hanoi.

Developing the Capital’s economy in a fast and sustainable manner while continuing to step up economic restructuring in association with renovation of the growth model, and mobilization and efficient use of all resources

- To step up economic restructuring in association with renovation of the growth model, regarding science, hi-technology and innovation as key drivers for socio-economic development; to efficiently promote human intelligence resources, accelerating the application of science, technology and achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution; to vigorously boost the process of digitalization and development of digital economy, digital society and new economic models in tandem with labor restructuring; to support sustainable and synchronous development of the financial and monetary market; securities market; real estate market; science and technology market; labor market; and cultural service market.

- To build a number of industries and develop industrial products using modern and environment-friendly technologies, with high added value; to develop products of craft villages, particularly traditional craft villages, and distinctive services of the Capital; to prioritize the development of hi-tech industrial production and services of high added value, such as financial, banking, insurance and logistics services; to develop culture and tourism, particularly culture, into a spearhead industry.

- To focus on restructuring agricultural production with higher efficiency, developing ecological and hi-tech agriculture; to strive for Hanoi to become a leading locality in the development of eco-agriculture, modern countryside and civilized farmers in parallel with the conservation and promotion of national traditional cultural and historical values; to prioritize the construction of green belts, ensuring the living environment; to attach importance to the development of seedling technology and post-harvest preservation and processing technologies in combination with the development of outlet markets for products.

- To mobilize and efficiently use all resources in order to best tap the potential and advantages of the Capital in terms of culture, science and technology; to promote the leading and driving role of public investment in combination with promoting funding sources from the private sector, foreign investment sector, donors and international organizations; to tap, mobilize and efficiently utilize resources from land and other resources in combination with the development of infrastructure and socio-economic development planning; to prioritize investment in the development of target programs and key projects, particularly projects on socio-economic infrastructure; to step up digital transformation, development of digital infrastructure, digital economy, digital society, smart traffic infrastructure and smart cities, and infrastructure for regional connectivity; to formulate appropriate mechanisms and policies in order to accelerate behind-schedule projects, particularly projects approved before the expansion of the Capital’s administrative boundaries.

- To strengthen, and raise the operational efficiency of, state enterprises, credit institutions and financial funds; to develop various economic sectors with appropriate mechanisms to promote the development of private economy to truly serve as an important motive force of the Capital’s economy; to promote the development of innovation, science and technology enterprises connected based on value chains with enterprises in economic regions and the whole country as well as in the region and the world; to proactively and selectively attract foreign investment; to give priority to sectors and domains with positive contributions to economic restructuring; to attract multinational groups to establish innovation centers and research and development centers to be headquartered in Hanoi; to resolutely carry out administrative reform, removing difficulties and problems, creating favorable conditions and minimizing expenses for people and enterprises, creating marked improvements in the investment business environment, raising labor productivity and competitiveness at home and abroad.

Vigorously developing culture, and building courteous and civilized Hanoians, so that Hanoi will deserve to be a major education-training, science-technology and healthcare center; ensuring social security and welfare, raising the quality of life for the Capital’s residents

- To concentrate on developing the Capital’s culture to be worthy of the thousand-year-old tradition of Thang Long-Hanoi; to build Hanoi to be truly a center of cultural convergence and crystallization of the whole country, becoming a new development resource of the Capital. To concentrate on conserving, and promoting the values of, tangible and intangible cultural heritages, relics and valuable architectures, particularly world heritages and national relics; to invest in the construction of a number of new and typical cultural and sports facilities of the Capital (theaters, public squares, monuments, parks, sports complexes, exhibition and fair centers, etc.); to make appropriate investment in the development of culture, step by step narrowing the cultural enjoyment gap between urban areas and rural areas; to organize more cultural, sports, tourist and exhibition events and develop cultural and tourist products of international brands.

- To improve the quality of all-sided education and training; to build Hanoi Capital into a major high-quality education-training center of the whole country, adaptable to the process of national digital transformation, innovation and international integration, etc.; to apply preferential mechanisms and policies for attracting social resources for investment in the development of education and training, the system of multi-level schools and high-quality schools, and various forms of joint domestic and international training.

-  To step up science-technology research, transfer, application and development and innovation; to build Hanoi into a leading innovation, research, development and technology transfer center of the country and the region with Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park, research institutes and universities as the nucleus; to vigorously develop the science and technology market; to encourage and support enterprises participating in technological renovation, and building the innovation startup eco-system; to adopt mechanisms and policies to attract and promote the wisdom of top intellectuals, experts and scientists at home and abroad for the Capital’s construction and development.

- To build an advanced and modern healthcare system, concentrating on development of a number of fields approaching the world’s technological level; to raise the quality of medical examination and treatment and the capacity of preventive medicine and grassroots health stations, and family doctors, ensuring comprehensive healthcare for people; to mobilize social resources for the construction of networks of high-quality and modern medical examination and treatment establishments and medical and pharmaceutical technology research and transfer establishments of private and foreign investment sectors; to combine tourist development with healthcare.

- To develop a comprehensive and universal system of social security, increasing policy beneficiaries, creating conditions for people to access essential social services; to synchronously apply various social policies, striving for the target of no poor households according to criteria of the Capital, raising social welfare, ensuring social justice, and narrowing the poor-rich gap between urban areas and rural areas; to properly implement the policies on ethnicity, religion, elderly care, child protection, gender equality, and for the advancement of women; to efficiently resolve social vices.

Raising the quality of planning work, strictly implementing planning management; stepping up the building of synchronous infrastructure, urban development and management; tapping and efficiently utilizing natural resources and protecting the environment

- To raise the quality of planning activities, strictly complying with planning discipline and planning management regulations, ensuring publicity and transparency, with strategic visions, breakthrough thinking, promoting the available potential and advantages while creating new resources, space and development motivation for the Capital in harmonious and rational association, contributing to boosting the development of other localities in the region and the whole country; focusing on the Master Plan on the Capital for the 2021-30 period, with a vision toward 2050; to make the overall adjustment of the General Master Plan on building the Capital thorugh 2030 and a vision toward 2050, with the Red River delta regarded as the green axis and central landscape, with harmonious development of Hanoi’s urban centers on both sides of the river; to study the increase of the ratio of land for urban development; to build cities after the model of municipal city in northern region (Dong Anh, Me Linh and Soc Son) and western region (Hoa Lac and Xuan Mai); to build smart cities on the basis of developing areas on both sides of the Nhat Tan-Noi Bai axis; to concentrate on materialization of the planning, construction investment, stabilizing the population on both sides of the Red River and Duong river; to plan the development of urban underground spaces, green spaces and public spaces; to plan the building of harmonious rural areas in association with urban development, preservation of traditional cultural identity, synchronous connectivity with planning on urban areas; to efficiently exploit rural natural landscapes in combination with the development of green tourism.

- To concentrate investment on comprehensive, synchronous, modern and efficient development and upgrading of the Capital’s socio-economic infrastructure systems; to attach importance to the allocation of state budget funds with rational priority, combining with intensified mobilization of social resources for infrastructure projects, particularly those in the form of public-private partnership (PPP), together with accelerated decentralization and delegation of powers to the Capital; to step up the development of a synchronous and modern traffic system; to complete the construction of national highways, expressways, ring roads, and intra-region and inter-region roads in synchrony with architectural and landscape planning, construction of civilized and modern urban centers; to accelerate the progress of urban railway projects; to invest in the construction of more bridges spanning the Red River and Duong river; to strive for the completion of ring road 4 before 2027 and prepare for construction of ring road 5 before 2030; to expand and upgrade Noi Bai international airport; to study the construction of one more international airport to meet the requirements of development of the Capital region and the northern region.

- To develop a smart and modern Hanoi city imbued with identity, creating spillover effects and connectivity for the northern urban region and the whole country; to focus on the formation of new growth poles; to step by step create a cluster of urban centers and satellite cities, and apply transit-oriented development (TOD) in couple with strict management of high-rise development and population increase in central urban areas; to strive for the development of 3-5 rural districts by 2025 and 1-2 more rural district(s) in 2030 into urban districts. Urban transformation, refurbishment and reconstruction must be associated with the value conservation and promotion and effective and sustainable operation of historical-cultural works and spaces in historical inner areas; to formulate particular mechanisms and policies for efficient renovation and reconstruction of old condominiums; to relocate polluting industrial establishments, higher education institutions and hospitals from the Capital’s inner quarters as planned; to prioritize the use of land areas left after the relocation for construction of public and social-welfare facilities.

- To intensify the application of science and technology in urban management; to enhance discipline in urban management, especially order in construction activities, reducing and eventually terminating traffic congestion; to exploit and efficiently and sustainably use natural resources, particularly land; to proactively prevent and combat disasters and respond to climate changes.

- To create marked improvements in the environmental protection toward building a green, clean and beautiful Capital while ensuring sustainable development; to apply synchronous and effective measures for improving air quality; to basically solve water pollution in rivers and lakes; to complete environmental rehabilitation of Nhue, Day and To Lich rivers; to implement programs on flood prevention and control, garbage and wastewater treatment infrastructure development, and urban greenery programs as planned.

Ensuring national defense, security and social order and safety for the Capital in all circumstances

- To properly perform the key and regular tasks of ensuring national defense, and firmly maintaining political security and social order and safety; to strictly monitor and firmly grasp situations, be proactive with plans for timely response, not falling into the state of being unprepared in any circumstances; to ensure absolute safety for the important objects and events occurring in the locality, creating an environment of peace, stability, security and safety for construction and development of the Capital and the country. To concentrate on building regular, elite and modern army and public security forces.

- To enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the state management of national defense and security, and build a firm “people’s heart and mind” disposition; to step up the construction of defense zones at different levels, closely combining socio-economic development with national defense-security maintenance; to attach importance to building dual-use works; to strictly appraise programs, schemes and projects on international cooperation and foreign investment in strategic areas in terms of national defense and security; to ensure the development of the Capital’s economy in conformity with the overall master plan on deployment of national defense and security disposition in defense zones.

- To resolutely apply solutions to prevent, fight, suppress, investigate and handle crimes; to proactively foil all opposition and sabotage attempts of hostile forces, political opportunists and reactionaries; to intensify inspection and destruction of organized criminal gangs and groups; transnational crimes; hi-tech crimes; economic, environmental and drug crimes, etc.

Stepping up external activities, international integration and development cooperation, raising the position and prestige of the Capital

- To step up external activities and international integration; to proactively grasp opportunities, especially new-generation trade agreements; to strengthen traditional relations, and expand cooperation with various capitals and cities in the world; to enhance people-to-people diplomacy; to actively carry out foreign-service communication and information about the Capital for international friends and overseas Vietnamese.

- To uphold the spirit “Hanoi for the whole country, together with the whole country”, proactively coordinating with various committees, ministries, sectors and central organizations, localities throughout the country and international organizations in the process of building and developing the Capital.

Intensifying the building and rectification of the Party and the political system to be pure and strong

- To resolutely, persistently and effectively carry out the building and rectification of the Party and the political system; to heighten the leadership capacity of Party organizations; to build the elite, tidy, connective, effective and efficient political system in association with enhancing discipline in its task performance; to step up power delegation and decentralization while attaching importance to activities of inspection, examination, supervision and power control, and supervise the materialization of the Party’s guidelines and resolutions and the State’s mechanisms, policies and regulations, especially at the grassroots level; to strictly comply with regulations on prevention and combat of corruption and negative practices, thrift practice and waste combat; to heighten the autonomy and accountability of Party Committees and administrations at all levels, individualizing personal responsibility.

- To focus on building the contingent of cadres, mainly leading and managerial cadres at all level, who possess high professional capacity and qualifications, firm political stuff and good morality, and are exemplary, dynamic, creative, dare to think, dare to act and dare to bear responsibility, with the will to advance and aspiration to devote themselves for the cause of the Capital’s development; to work out appropriate mechanisms and policies with a view to attracting and preferentially treating high-quality human resources at home and abroad; to properly apply the mechanism of encouraging and protecting dynamic and creative cadres for the common good under regulations.

- To continue renewing the mode of Party leadership, and the management capacity, effect and efficiency of administrations at all levels; to vigorously renovate the contents and methods, increase the efficiency of operation of Fatherland Front Committees and socio-political organizations at different levels and mass associations; to build up and consolidate the national unity bloc, expanding and promoting democracy in the Party and the society, bringing into full play the people’s role as the center, subjects and also the beneficiaries of achievements in the process of building and developing the Capital.

Completing the system of laws on the Capital with appropriate mechanisms and policies, meeting the development requirements of the Capital in the new period

- Based on the review, supplementation and amendment of the Law on the Capital, to expeditiously scrutinize and complete the legal system with prominent peculiar mechanisms and policies for the Capital; to clearly define the position, role, responsibility and powers, efficiently tapping the potential and advantages of Hanoi; to step up administrative reform, simplifying administrative procedures, creating marked improvements in the business investment environment, raising the competitiveness, removing difficulties and hindrances, creating favorable conditions, and reducing expenses for people and enterprises.

- To intensify power delegation and decentralization for the Capital in a number of domains with a view to creating dynamism and increasing autonomy and accountability in performance of the tasks of socio-economic development, national defense and security maintenance and external relations of the Capital in couple with power-control mechanism; inter-region and inter-province programs and projects to serve multiple objectives, infrastructural connectivity, human resource development of the region, etc.

- To hold as soon as possible a review of the pilot model of non-organization of ward-level People’s Councils in Hanoi; to complete the organization and apparatus of the Capital’s administration to be elite, tidy, modern, effective and efficient, ensuring connective operation, as suitable to the role, position and development and management requirements of the Capital in the new period of development.


Administrations at all levels and all sectors and localities throughout the country, particularly the Party Committee, administration and people of Hanoi Capital, should profoundly grasp the Resolution; proactively coordinate with one another in formulating programs and plans for organizing the implementation of the Resolution.

The National Assembly’s Party Committee shall lead the revision of the Law on the Capital and a number of relevant laws toward enhancing power delegation and decentralization for Hanoi, paying attention to proactively arranging revenue sources and spending tasks, aiming to further prioritize investment resources for development, ensuring funds for implementation of key national projects in Hanoi Capital.

The Government Caucus Commission shall issue a program of action for implementation of the Resolution; prepare and submit the revised Law on the Capital to the National Assembly for consideration and passage; formulate a number of peculiar mechanisms and policies and decentralize to the Hanoi Capital’s administration the competence and responsibility to handle affairs in conformity with the requirements and peculiar tasks of the Capital, focusing on investment, finance, planning, land, construction order management, traffic, environment, population, apparatus organization, payroll, etc.; direct the acceleration of preparation and construction of key national works and projects on traffic, hydraulic-work, environmental and urban infrastructure in the locality, particularly ring road 4 and ring road 5; adjust and approve the General Master Plan on building Hanoi Capital up to 2030, with a vision toward 2050; to study increasing the ratio of land for urban development and building the model of the Capital-run cities; and annually or when necessarily, work with the Hanoi Capital’s administration to review and evaluate the progress of implementation of the Resolution.

The Party Committees and organizations at different levels and the political system of Hanoi shall strictly and efficiently organize the implementation of the Resolution, promoting to utmost the social consensus, the leading role of Party organizations, and the involvement of the entire political system and people of all strata in order to early translate the Resolution into life.

Hanoi’s authorities shall proactively coordinate with various committees, ministries and central sectors in studying and proposing revision of the Law on the Capital, completing the master plans related to the Capital, and promulgating guiding documents, mechanisms and policies for the successful implementation of the Resolution; organize the efficient execution of annual development programs, plans and tasks as well as key programs and projects in the locality; step up the cooperation with localities in the region and the whole country for joint development while actively expanding relations with foreign partners.

The Party commissions, caucus commissions, Party organizations, and Party Committees under central agencies shall coordinate with Hanoi Capital’s authorities in formulating specific programs, plans, mechanisms and policies for implementation of the Resolution; and regularly inspect, coordinate and assist Hanoi’s authorities in removing difficulties and problems in the course of construction and development.

Provincial/municipal Party Committees throughout the country, especially those in the Capital region, the Red River delta and the key northern economic region, shall actively coordinate with Hanoi Capital’s authorities in increasing forms of collaboration suitable to the needs and advantages of their localities, creating the unity and concerted strength in terms of economy, culture, society, national defense and security for Hanoi Capital, every locality, the entire region and the whole country.

The Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations shall uphold their leadership and mobilize their member organizations, members, cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers to abide by the policies and line of the Party and laws of the State, to participate in and contribute to the course of building and developing the Capital.

The Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communication and Education shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Hanoi Party Committee and related agencies in, guiding the popularization and implementation of the Resolution.

The Party Central Committee’s Office shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related agencies in, regularly monitoring, overseeing, inspecting and urging the implementation of the Resolution; and coordinate with the Hanoi Party Committee in periodically making preliminary and final reviews and reporting thereon to the Political Bureau and the Secretariat.-

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