The State would only hold monopoly over 16 categories of commodities and services, according to a decree drafted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Noteworthily, for the first time, electricity, petrol and oil would no longer be monopolized by the State, excluding the operation of the national power system, power transmission, multi-purpose hydropower plants and nuclear power plants.
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For the first time, electricity, petrol and oil would no longer be monopolized by the State__Photo: Ngoc Ha/VNA |
As for other kinds of goods, the State would hold monopoly in the import and export of gold materials, gold bar production, lottery business, import of tobacco, and topographical and cartographical activities for national defense purpose.
The State would retain its monopoly over the services of maritime pilotage, maritime safety assurance, flight operation, money printing and coining, and management of the operation of the railway infrastructure system.
The drafter said it made the list of goods and services subject to state monopoly after reviewing the restructuring of state economic groups, corporations and enterprises. This list could be revised to suit the country’s socio-economic development conditions in each period.
The drafter added that the State would maintain monopoly in the fields which private businesses or other economic sectors do not wish or are unable to invest in.
State monopoly in trade in goods and services must adhere to the principles of transparency and publicity and comply with the laws on enterprises and competition, according to the drafter.-(VLLF)