Water resources management, renewal of school curricula, textbooks top NA Standing Committee’s agenda
National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue suggested reviewing provisions on water resources management and prescribing relevant standards, criteria and procedures in the draft revised Law on Water Resources at the NA Standing Committee’s 25th session in Hanoi on August 14.
NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at the 25th session.__Photo: VNA

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue suggested reviewing provisions on water resources management and prescribing relevant standards, criteria and procedures in the draft revised Law on Water Resources at the NA Standing Committee’s 25th session in Hanoi on August 14.

NA Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai recommended that “mineral and hot water” should not be mentioned in the law as it has already been stipulated in many other regulations on minerals as well as documents of the Party and the State.

He also urged assessment and compilation agencies to put under consideration opinions regarding salt water, wastewater, and clean water supply for rural areas, and continue reviewing regulations on the regulation, distribution, and exploitation of water resources, the registration for water resources licenses, water reuse, and the responsibility for water resources management.

The draft law is expected to be submitted to the NA for approval at its sixth sitting, slated for October.

At the 25th session of the NA Standing Committee.__Photo: VNA

The NA Standing Committee also offered opinions on a report on the results of thematic supervision on the implementation of the NA’s Resolutions on the renewal of school curricula and textbooks.

Chairman of the NA's Council for Ethnic Affairs Y Thanh Ha Nie Kdam said the issuance of curricula and textbooks has been slow. He proposed supplementing regulations and policies concerning lecturers who teach in ethnic languages.

Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son pledged to fix existing shortcomings in the field.

The minister said the Government is directing the removal of difficulties in the publication of textbooks in ethnic languages and teaching materials in localities.

The official suggested issuing a Resolution on accelerating education reform, including measures to improve teachers’ income.

Speaking at the event, NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said this is a very important topic that has drawn much attention from people and voters nationwide.

He assessed that the supervision report provided an overall, comprehensive and profound picture of the general education reform in Vietnam, with many valuable contents and recommendations, both in theory and practice.

All members of the NA Standing Committee present at the meeting voted to show their agreement with the basic contents of the draft Resolution on thematic supervision results. The Standing Committee assigned the Chairperson of the NA Committee on Culture and Education and the Secretary General of the National Assembly to coordinate with related agencies and units to complete the draft Resolution.

The session is divided into two phases, with the first from August 14-18, and the second from August 24-26.-(VLLF)

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