Decision No. 1073/QD-TTg: E-commerce set to aim high five-year goals

A master plan on development of e-commerce during 2011-15 approved by the Prime Minister under Decision No. 1073/QD-TTg of July 12 sets forth ambitious growth targets for the sector, including popularity and attainment of the advanced regional (ASEAN) level of e-commerce, contribution to raising national and enterprises’ competitiveness.

The most prominent target is that 80% of big enterprises will have their websites for updating information and advertising their products and conduct transactions through these websites, and all of them will regularly use email in their business operations. In addition, 70% of large-sized enterprises and 30% of small- and medium-sized enterprises will join e-commerce websites for trading in products and providing services related to their production or business.

By 2015, seven out of every 10 trade centers will be able to facilitate consumers’ non-cash payment and 50% of electricity, water, telecommunications service providers will accept payment of charges by households through electronic systems.

Databases on enterprises will be interconnected among the Ministries of Finance, Planning and Investment, and Industry and Trade and other related ministries and sectors before 2015 for entrepreneurs to get easier access to helpful business information.-

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