Human resource development is a strategic breakthrough
The 2011-20 Socio-Economic Development Strategy was adopted at the XIth National Party Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in January 2011. The following sections of Part IV of the Strategy dwell on major orientations for regional, cultural, social, health and education development. (Continued from last issue)

6. To harmoniously and sustainably develop various regions, build urban areas and new countryside

To review, adjust and supplement master plans and adopt appropriate mechanisms and policies for various regions nationwide to jointly develop and bring into play their own advantages and create inter-regional alignment. To boost the development of key economic regions, creating a driving force for and exerting widespread impacts on other regions; at the same time, to create conditions for faster development of regions still facing numerous difficulties, especially border regions, islands, southwestern, Central Highland and northwestern regions and western areas of the central provinces. To select a number of areas with prominent advantages, particularly coastal localities, for building a number of economic zones as development locomotives.

The materialization of regional development orientations must ensure efficient and thrifty use of land in association with solutions for responding to climate change, particularly sea level rise, in order to ensure sustainable development.

Delta regions: To develop hitech agriculture. To form consolidated commodity production zones on the basis of reorganizing agricultural production and applying technical advances. To plan large-scale specialized commodity rice production areas and step up intensive rice cultivation. To modernize preserving and processing industries. To develop industries and services that serve the development of agricultural production. To develop industrial parks, clusters and groups of industrial products and hi-tech services in association with big urban centers in order to form major economic centers of national and regional magnitude, which will play the guiding role in and exert widespread impacts on the development of other regions.

Midland and mountainous regions: To strongly develop forestry production, industrial crops, fruit trees and cattle raising, forming consolidated commodity production areas, primarily the production of materials for the processing industry and export. To protect and develop forests. To efficiently tap the potential of land, hydropower and minerals, build water reservoirs and develop small-scale irrigation works in combination with generating hydropower and preventing floods. To develop land-intensive industries and services. To develop rural transport, ensuring uninterrupted traffic on motor roads to communes during all four seasons and incrementally build motor roads to villages and hamlets. To step up sustainable poverty reduction, unceasingly improve the living conditions and population quality of ethnic minority people. To substantially renew the management of state-run agricultural and forestry farms. To attach importance to developing economic and social infrastructure works in border areas, particularly at border gates.

Sea waters, coastal areas and islands: To strongly develop marine economy commensurate with the position and potential of Vietnam’s sea, linking the development of marine economy with the maintenance of defense and security and protection of sovereignty over sea areas. To quickly develop a number of coastal economic zones and industrial parks, prioritizing the development of energy, shipbuilding, cement, high-quality aquatic product processing industries, etc. To speed up the process of urbanization for forming strong marine economic centers and creating a seaward posture in association with developing diversified services, particularly those with high added value such as export and import, tourist, fishery, petroleum and shipping services. To develop seaports and port and ocean and coastal-river shipping services; to develop fleets and shipbuilding and repairing industry, etc. To develop island economy suitable to the position, potential and advantages of each island.

Urban development: To renew urban development mechanisms and policies and improve and strictly manage urban development planning. To step by step form a system of urban centers with synchronous, modern and environment-friendly infrastructure facilities, consisting of a number of big cities and many medium- and small-sized cities which are inter-connected and rationally distributed across regions; to attach importance to developing mountainous urban centers and strongly develop coastal urban centers.

To promote the role of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh cities as economic, cultural, scientific and technological hubs and the role of regional and local centers, particularly in terms of human resource development, information and knowledge dissemination and technology transfer and accelerated economic restructuring. To form product clusters and groups creating widespread effect and high effectiveness in linking production with market from the center to periphery.

To adopt policies for housing development for people, particularly social policy beneficiaries and low-income earners.

Building of new countryside: To plan rural development in association with urban development and arrangement of residential spots. To strongly develop industries, services and craft villages in association with environmental protection. To deploy the program on building of a new countryside suitable to each region’s characteristics, with specific and steady steps in each period; to preserve and bring into play the special cultural features of Vietnamese countryside. To step up the building of rural infrastructure facilities. To create a favorable environment for tapping all possibilities of investment in agriculture and rural areas, particularly investment by small- and medium-sized labor-intensive enterprises. To effectively implement the program on vocational training for one million rural laborers each year.

To properly implement the program on housing support for the poor and social policy beneficiaries, the program on housing for inhabitants in storm- and flood-prone areas; to rationally arrange population, ensuring safety in flood- and landslide-prone as well as riverside and coastal areas.

Formation and development of economic corridors and belts as well as growth poles of important significance to the whole country and regional alignment: To create the synchronous connection of the infrastructure system for the formation of the North-South economic axis, East-West economic corridors and trans-Asia economic corridors. To form clusters and groups of industrial products and services, linking central cities along the economic corridors. To build big economic development cooperation centers at border gates along the economic corridors.

7. To comprehensively develop cultural and social fields in harmony with economic development

To create steps of strong cultural and social development. To increase state investment while stepping up the mobilization of social resources for cultural and social development. To improve the system of policies, closely combining economic and social targets and policies; to well achieve social progress and justice in each development step and policy suitable to specific conditions, ensuring fast and sustainable development.

To raise incomes and life quality for the people. To create equal opportunities for accessing development resources and basic services as well as social-welfare benefits. To implement more effectively the poverty reduction policy suitable to each period; to diversify resources and modes to ensure sustainable poverty reduction, particularly in the poorest districts and particularly disadvantaged regions. To encourage lawful enrichment and quickly increase the number of households with above-average and higher incomes. To adopt appropriate policies and solutions for restricting the widening of the rich-poor gap and reducing the living standard gap between rural and urban areas.

To complete the system of policies and mechanisms on the provision of public services conformable to the institutions of a socialist-oriented market economy. The State shall unceasingly increase the level of assurance of essential public services for the people.

To properly implement policies on labor, employment, salaries and incomes in order to encourage laborers and bring into the fullest play their capabilities. To ensure harmonious labor relations and improve the working environment and conditions. To step up vocational training and job creation. To raise the quality and effectiveness of the sending of Vietnamese laborers to work overseas. To support job training and creation for social policy beneficiaries, the poor and laborers in rural and urbanized areas. To develop a diversified and increasingly expanded and effective social security system. To strongly develop the insurance system, including social insurance, unemployment insurance, labor accident and occupational disease insurance, etc. To encourage and create favorable conditions for laborers to access and participate in insurance of various types. To properly implement preferential policies and constantly raise the living standards for people with meritorious services. To expand forms of social assistance and relief, particularly for disadvantaged people.

To comprehensively develop all cultural fields while promoting the fine national values and absorbing the cultural quintessence of mankind and properly dealing with the relationship between economy and culture so that culture really constitutes the spiritual foundation of the society and a driving force for socio-economic development and international integration. To concentrate on building a healthy cultural life, lifestyle and environment; to attach importance to culture in leadership and management, culture in business and culture in conduct. To attach importance to building the Vietnamese personality in terms of ideal, intellect, morality, lifestyle, physical strength, national self-respect, social responsibility and sense of law observance, particularly among young generations. To promote the fine traditional values, build abundant, progressive and happy Vietnamese families; to well achieve gender equality and women’s advancement; to care for and educate children and protect their rights. To ensure citizens’ right to freedom of belief and religion under law. To encourage freedom of creation in cultural, literary and artistic activities in order to create many products of high value and widespread effect, commensurate to the nation’s stature. To synchronously build and upgrade the system of cultural and sports institutions. To appreciate preservation and promotion of national cultural heritages. To raise the people’s cultural enjoyment.

To raise the quality of communication, press, internet and publishing systems. To ensure the people’s right to information and opportunity to access information, especially in deep-lying, remote and ethnic minority regions. To further renew mechanisms for and raise the effectiveness of the management and step up the socialization of cultural and information activities, forming a healthy cultural market. To combat manifestations of aculture and degeneration of morality and lifestyle and negative impacts of debauching and violence-inciting cultural and information products. To step up the prevention of and fight against crimes and social vices; to reduce drug addiction and prostitution; to effectively prevent traffic accidents. To raise the quality of the movement: all people unite in building a cultured life, and building united, democratic, disciplined, civilized and healthy communes, wards, street quarters, villages or hamlets.

8. To strongly develop the cause of health, raise the quality of public healthcare

To concentrate on strongly developing healthcare systems and raising the quality of health services. The State shall continue to increase investment while stepping up socialization so as to quickly develop the public and non-public health systems; to improve the organizational models of, and consolidate the grassroots healthcare networks. To raise the capacity of commune health stations, complete the construction of district-level hospitals and upgrade provincial- and central-level hospitals. To additionally build a number of high-class specialized hospitals in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and some regions. To build a number of medical examination and treatment establishments of regional magnitude. To encourage investors of all economic sectors to build high-quality specialized medical establishments. To redress the problem of overload at hospitals, especially provincial- and central-level hospitals. To renew operational mechanisms, particularly financial mechanism, for public health establishments toward autonomy, publicity and transparency. To standardize the quality of medical services and hospitals, incrementally approaching the regional and international standards. To comprehensively and appropriately renew and perfect policies on health insurance, medical examination and treatment and hospital charges; to work out a roadmap for all-people health insurance. To properly implement the policies on medical examination and treatment for social policy beneficiaries, the poor, children and ethnic minority people, as well as healthcare for the elderly. To increase training and raise the professional quality, ethics and sense of responsibility for the contingent of health workers. To strive for the target that by 2020 all communes and wards will be staffed with doctors. To strongly develop preventive medicine and prevent the occurrence of big epidemics. To further control and strongly reduce HIV infection and transmission. To further reduce the malnutrition rate among children. To raise food quality and ensure food hygiene and safety. To quickly develop pharmaceutical and medical equipment industry. To strongly develop traditional medicine in combination with modern medicine. To strictly manage the production and trading of pharmaceuticals.

To formulate and implement the national strategy on raising the physical strength and stature of Vietnamese. To step up the development of mass physical training and sports as well as high-achievement sports. To properly implement population and family planning policies, maintain the replacement birth rate, ensure rational gender balance and raise population quality. To step up socialization in the fields of health, population and family planning, and physical training and sports.

9. To raise the quality of human resources, comprehensively renew and quickly develop education and training

Developing and raising the quality of human resources, particularly high-quality human resources, constitute a strategic breakthrough and a decisive factor for accelerated scientific and technological development and application, economic restructuring, transformation of the growth model, and the most important competitive edge, ensuring fast, efficient and sustainable development. To attach special importance to the development of the contingents of excellent leading and managerial personnel, outstanding specialists and business administrators, skilled laborers, and leading science and technology workers. To train human resources meeting diverse and multi-layer technological requirements and development levels of various fields, professions and trades. To achieve close association among enterprises, employing establishments, training establishments and the State to develop human resources in response to social demand. To carry out programs and schemes on training of high-quality human resources for key and spearhead sectors and domains. To attach importance to discovering, fostering and promoting talents; to train human resources for knowledge-based economy development.

Developing education is a national top policy. To substantially and comprehensively renew the Vietnamese education system toward standardization, modernization, socialization, democratization and international integration, of which renewal of educational administration mechanism and development of the contingent of teachers and administrators are the key. To concentrate on raising the quality of education and training, attaching importance to education in morality, lifestyle, creative capacity, practice skills and career-building capability. To renew educational finance mechanisms. To accredit the quality of education and training at all educational levels. To build a healthy educational environment, ensuring close cooperation between schools and families as well as society.

To expand preschool education and complete the universalization of preschool education for five-year-old children. To universalize primary education and lower secondary education with higher and higher quality. To strongly develop, and raise the quality of, vocational training and professional education. To review, finalize and implement the master plan on networks of universities, colleges and vocational training institutions nationwide. To apply synchronous solutions for raising the quality of tertiary education, ensuring the mechanism on autonomy in association with higher social responsibility of education and training institutions. To concentrate investment on building a number of spearhead and high-quality schools, faculties and disciplines.

To strongly renew the teaching and learning contents, curricula and methods at all educational levels and grades. To actively prepare for the implementation of a new general education program after 2015. To expand and raise the quality of foreign language training. The State shall increase investment while stepping up socialization to mobilize the entire society to attend to educational development. To quickly develop, and raise the quality of, education in disadvantaged areas and mountainous and ethnic minority regions. To step up the movements for learning promotion, talent promotion and building a learning society; to expand methods of distance learning and systems of community-based learning centers and continuing education centers. To achieve equality in learning opportunities and social policies in education.-

(to be continued)

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