Winners of “Technology with Heart” contest awarded
The “Technology with Heart” award, the first of its kind in Vietnam to honor photos and video clips capturing how technology intertwines with life, has attracted over 800 works from more than 318 authors since its launch in January. The award ceremony was held at the Vietnam News Agency headquarters in Hanoi on June 5.

Congratulating the winners, VNA Director General Vu Viet Trang, President of the Awards Council, stressed that, the winning works have touched the hearts of viewers, with storytelling skills and impressive imagery.

They have demonstrated that, technology not only is an indispensable part of daily activities now, but also brings people closer together.

The award, the first of its kind in Vietnam, attracted over 800 works from more than 318 authors since its launch in January. The entries include nearly 1,700 photos and 87 video clips.

The jury selected 32 outstanding works for the awards, with the categories of single photo, photo series, and video clip.

According to the jury, the majority of the entries closely adhere to the theme, showcasing the application and utilization of technology in daily activities. Notably, they capture moments in all corners of the country.

The contest, a joint initiative between the VNA and the Military Industry and Telecoms Group (Viettel), aims to spread positive images on the theme of people and technology, toward building a digital society, where communities are better served, happier and wealthier, and stay safer thanks to scientific knowledge and products.- (VNA/VLLF)

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