Law-makers resume legislative work for the new year
It is not necessary to form the National Election Council as a regular institution, according to Mr. Phung Quoc Hien, Chairman of the National Assembly (NA)’s Finance and Budget Committee.

It is not necessary to form the National Election Council as a regular institution, Phung Quoc Hien, Chairman of the National Assembly (NA)’s Finance and Budget Committee, said while NA Standing Committee members debated the draft law on election of National Assembly deputies and People’s Council deputies at the Committee’s 35th session on February 25 in Hanoi.Hien explained the existence of such Council in the whole five-year term of the NA only to serve occasional additional elections was inconformable with administrative reform requirements.

NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung at the 35th session of NA Standing Committee__Photo: Nhan Sang/VNA

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